Calgary expo in April (April 25-26) and here's a spiffy piece he did for them:

and the Toronto Fan Expo in August (August 28-30)
No other commitments are confirmed yet but I will try let you folks know as soon as I do!
...and a reminder about the fabulous stuff giveaway. I have a signed copy of the Red Menace #1 with the variant cover by Darwyn as well as a stack of other comics, a New Frontier poster (from the cover to the 2nd volume) and some of the promo posters for New Frontier that will be given away to a lucky someone for the cost of a postcard, a stamp, and a walk to the mailbox. More info here.
What's it going to take for us Yanks to get him to Chicago this year? He's killing me with this only going to MegaCon in Florida business. Killing me I say!
Tell him I'll buy him not one, but two chili dogs if he comes to Chicago this year. Yeah, I know, I'm a giver....
J- Well that's the gift that keeps on giving, yes?
Calum- That's a cute cowgirl, is that all digital?
Hello Callum,
Just wanted to say hello and say that because of Darwyn this was the greatest Megacon of my life. My name is Brian Alvear I help out at small shop in orlando and last year got to meet Darwyn. He was smoking a cigarette and I reluctantly approached to tell him how much I like his work (never done this with anyone and I've been going to cons for about 10 years now). We got to talking and spoke for about an hour and a half. This year I decided to propose to my wife at the show and I asked Mr. Cooke if he had time if he would draw me something small. A pic of Hal proposing to Zatanna ( my wife always dresses like her, and Hal is my favorite character. He didn't know if he would have time but he said he would try his best...and his best was amazing. right after proposing to my wife (we did it in front of his booth and my wife had no idea) I walked up and got the most important piece of art that I'll ever receive. You can see the entire ordeal at youtube just search for Megacon 09 proposal. Once i download all the pics to my comp I'll also send pics of the drawing he made. Just wanted to share my story and let people know how awesome Darwyn is.
I am hoping that Darwyn will make it to TCAF. Lay on the pressure Cal!
First: Thanks for this blog. It's about time we had a way to hear some news about Darwyn and his art. I can't wait to hear more.
If you would be so kind as to relay this message to Darwyn, I would consider it a personal favor and would greatly appreciate it.
There are more than a few reasons why I would like to see Marsha and yourself attending HeroesCon in Charlotte, NC rather than Wizard World Philly. Hanging out with you being the obvious one.
However, another reason (and more important than the first) is because of the Wizard World convention's utter lack of respect for independently owned conventions, such as HeroesCon.
Case in point, WW Philly is scheduled for the same weekend as HeroesCon. This wouldn't be a big deal usually, but its the second time in three years they've done this.
What is so insulting about this is that Heroes posts their future dates on the last day of its own show like clock work. It never fails. Wizard on the other hand, posted Philly's (and in 06, Atlanta) dates in late September.
I'm not speaking on behalf of HeroesCon itself, I don't represent them in any capacity.
However, I can speak for the thousands of avid HeroesCon attendees who would very much appreciate your support of our favorite convention.
And as a southerners(who are basically Canadians without the poutine, Tim Hortan's, or snow), we would love to have you down here again, Darwyn.
Elijah Pipkin
Just in case you need to be bribed, there will be a brown paper bag, like the one you were handed in Baltimore, with "XXX" written on one side.
On the other side it will either say:
"From: A kilt wearing cracker"
"From: A crazy southern bastard"
Thanks Calum :)
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