For info, check their website. Darwyn will be doing a reading from the Richard Stark novel, The Hunter, while images from his adaptation are shown. This will take place on the main stage around 3PM or so.
(yes, I know; very short notice...forgive me, I've been pretty busy.)
Darwyn was kind enough to drop by my bookshop on Friday for an hour-long signing.
as they say in small-town newspapers, "a good time was had by all." The new printing of Parker: The Hunter should be shipping to retail outlets this or next week so for those of you in need of a great fall solstice/All Hallows Eve/Xmas gift idea, give Parker this year!

(wrapping paper image found here thanks to Baron von Googleschmidt
and my pal, Mike Holmes
was helping out that day. (He's inside the blue plaid shirt seen on the right in the first photo.) His new book, This American Drive is debuting at the Word on the Street tomorrow. Check it out there or ask your friendly neighbourhood bookstore to get you a copy!