Saturday, January 17, 2009

Slam Bradley

Here's a new one by Darwyn. Remember, kids, smoking is bad for you!

for more information on Slam Bradley, read comic books - or check his wikipedia entry.


  1. My wife and I were lucky enough to get a sketch from Darwyn at Baltimore (on our honeymoon) last year of our favorite characters Slam and Selina. This one is is beautiful too.

    Here's pics

  2. Joseph - that's a wonderful honeymoon present! Nothing like our lovely couple in love.

    Calum - great moody Slam piece, his posture implies his 'I don't give a F-' attitude. And the background shapes describe a setting in the Big City. Is the Blog header new? A Darwyn self portrait I presume?

  3. Ha, this is the one he did for me. I sitting here looking at it as I type this! Awesome
