Sunday, August 12, 2012

Previewsworld talk to Darwyn at SDCC

a brief conversation with Darwyn at the IDW booth during the San Diego Comic-Con, July 2012, by the folks at Previewsworld.


  1. Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this to get a response but will Darwyn be doing sketches/commissions at FanExpo in Toronto nextweek or will he be taking requests ahead of time or will he be bringing a portfolio of already finished pieces with him?

  2. Thanks for sharing the interview! 5 Parker books and a one shot - woohoo!

  3. Hi Mr Cooke,
    I'm Jean-Dominic Leduc, a french canadian comic book journalist from Montreal, and I would like to write an article on you for the Montreal ComiCon in mid-september.

    It would be a great honor for me.
    Jean-Dominic Leduc
