Saturday, August 1, 2009

one more Parker and a party in Halifax

Hiya, folks,

Sorry it's been so quiet here for the past week. Darwyn's been in San Diego and I have just been snowed under with work. We'll have the winners of the Draw Parker contest announced in the next couple of days. Stay tuned! In the meantime, the very awesome Brian McLachlan sent along this Parker drawing....
(the contest has closed, but if anyone has a drawing they didn't send in, feel free to do so! We'd love to see them!)

Brian's other work can be seen here and here. Thanks, Brian!

and if you're on the east coast of Canada this Thursday......

we're holding a launch party this Thursday, August 6th. More info here.


  1. Do you know if Darwyn will be selling any Parker artwork at the Toronto Fan Expo later this month? Or if any will be on sale online any time soon?

  2. I'll ask him when I see him later this week and will let you know. (I'll post here so everyone will know)

  3. Hi Calum,
    Any chance you could forward a question i have to darwyn for me?
    I could'nt find your email anywhere!! :)

    I posted this before on another posting, but it did'nt show up - most likely because my computer sucks! So here it is again.
    (I really need to get a new computer!!)

  4. you can post the question here. Darwyn'll see it.

    or email me at


  5. I've sent my question for darwyn to your email address.
    Thanks a bunch! :)

  6. Hi Ya, I know I missed the contest BUT….I pick-up my copy of “Parker the Hunted” Wednesday afternoon, read it and Wednesday night I did this Parker caricature as a warm-up before my caricature gig that night. I had no photo or art reference to work from but I was channeling Jack Palance and Tony Curtis and came up with this! Hope you like (Please check my website and myspace for my professional creds.) Thanks to all who put together Parker’s latest book and I’m looking forward to next summer’s edition! Best, Howard Bender Web Site: Myspace:

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