Darwyn passed along a couple of nice bits for me to share.
First up is the poster he did for Megacon. Megacon is a comic book convention that takes place in Orlando, Florida. Darwyn is one of the guests along with Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Steve McNiven, George Perez, William Stout and many others. For more info, click here

Next up is the cover to the first volume adapting Richard Stark's "The Hunter" into comics form. It is being published by IDW in July of this year. More info on the Parker adaptations can be found here

Richard Stark was one of several pseudonyms used by Donald Westlake, considered one of the most successful and versatile mystery writers in the United States. Mr. Westlake died on New Year's Eve at the age of 75. "Don Westlake was not a fancy stylist, crafting gorgeous sentences and setting them out like petits fours on a gilt platter. He got to the point. His characters had problems, and you found out what they were right away. Then they went about solving those problems, generally in the most direct way possible, which was not always a legal way, but so what. In his comedies, the result was an escalating concatenation of disaster, though with a happy ending at last; in his darker thrillers, especially the influential novels he wrote about the single-named thief Parker under the pseudonym Richard Stark, the result was brutal, ruthless, unemotional, professional. Blood was shed because blood needed to be shed. Parker was good at his job, and his job sometimes required him to kill people, so he did. Did you have a problem with that?" - Charles Ardai, Westlake's UK publisher writing in the Guardian. (Full article here)
That cover is beautiful. Just stunning. Thanks for posting it!
Ye gods... The art for the Stark stuff is just beautiful! I'm definitely looking forward to picking these up...
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