Tuesday, May 23, 2017
signed New Frontier softcover giveaway
hi folks, Cal here from Strange Adventures in Halifax.
We recently got in a collection of books that included a set of New Frontier softcovers signed by Darwyn.
In my opinion, a signature adds no value but it is a cool thing to have, so we're giving the set away in a random draw.
Send a postcard, yes, an actual postcard in what's called "the mail" (preferably a picture postcard that shows the town or city or country in which you live) to:
New Frontier Contest
c/o Strange Adventures
5110 Prince Street
Halifax, NS B3J 1L3
We'll put all entries received by June 30th into a box and draw the winner on July 1st.
No purchase necessary, other than the postcard and postage, enter as many times as you like, open to residents of Earth. We'll cover postage with tracking anywhere in the world but you do have to post a photo when you get them and let us know.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Darwyn tribute panel this weekend at TCAF in Toronto
Hi, folks. Cal here.
The wonderful Toronto Comic Arts Festival is coming up and there's a tribute panel on Darwyn on Sunday May 14th.
10:30 AM, at the Forest Hill Ballroom, Marriott Bloor-Yorkville
Darwyn Cooke Memorial Tribute Panel – Legendary creator Darwyn Cooke passed away one year ago on this date. He was an icon and a Torontonian. Join friends and peers of Darwyn’s as they share stories, discuss his work and celebrate his life and legacy. Featuring: Steven Manale, J. Bone, Brian McLachlan, Michael Cho, Mark Askwith, Sean Phillips and friends.
Get the full scoop on TCAF and the rest of the programming here:
Monday, March 20, 2017
Terribly sad to hear we have lost Bernie this week
Terribly sad to hear we have lost Bernie this week after a long and strong fight with cancer.
Darwyn used to tell a story about his first convention as a fan, it would have been in the late 70s or 80s in Toronto. He's told this story before so I'm sure someone can find a link of him telling it himself in his big style.
He was a teenager and an artist, he had saved his money and decided he was going to spend 10$ getting a commission from an artist I can't recall the name of but Dar was a big fan of. This was all of his convention spending money.
He picked up the commission and didn't feel the artist had done a great job and was pretty bummed. He went to get some books signed by Bernie and Bernie, being Bernie, started conversation and while they were talking Dar asked if he felt the commission was worth 10$.
Bernie (lovingly) berated the artist for ripping off a kid and then took out some paper. He did a full page sketch for Dar at no cost and took the time to look through Dar's portfolio AND showed it to some editors that were at the show too.
Darwyn never forgot how Bernie treated him that day. He really took it to heart how it felt to be on the fan side of the table and how crushing it was to be disappointed by your hero. Bernie made Darwyn that nice guy you all knew who took the time to draw with little kids or give some one feedback on their art (constant advice: learn to draw backgrounds).
He also made Darwyn into the artist we all loved. Dar said Bernie was one of the greatest artists of all time, and that since Bernie has mastered drawing with all of the lines, he would have to master using no lines.
Bernie was also a big supporter of love and marriage. He taught all of us how important a happy loving relationship was to being successful. I saw Bernie and Liz in Boston in August, he was sick but doing well. My last memories are of him with Vivi Staggs and the other kids at Jimmy's birthday party. Smiling and laughing.
Friday, February 17, 2017
ComicsPRO names Darwyn memorial award winner
Comicspro, the comics professional retail organization, is holding their annual membership meeting this weekend in Memphis, TN and Darwyn was named as the recipient of the 2017 Industry Appreciation Memorial Award. Pictured are Darwyn's brother, Dennis Cooke, who accepted the award on Darwyn's behalf; on his right is Karen Berger who was the recipient of the 2017 Industry Appreciation Award.
(photo by Ralph Mathieu)