Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Visit essex county!
Jeff Lemire's wonderful trio of books "Tales from Essex County" are collected into one massive tome hitting store shelves in August of this year. Darwyn wrote the introduction which you can read along with a preview of the book itself right here.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Spirit softcover scheduled
The second volume of Darywn's "Spirit" run in softcover will be available later this year; September 23rd to be precise. This collects issues seven through thirteen of the Spirit comics mostly done by Darwyn and the awesome J. Bone. Also included are the holiday themed issues with stories and art by the likes of Walt Simonson, Kyle Baker, Chris Sprouse, Eduardo Risso, Phil Hester, Ty Templeton and others. The cover shown above is, as I'm sure you could guess, by Darwyn. It's 176 colour pages and retails for $19.99 US.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
faith erin hicks
Faith is a wonderful cartoonist whose works include Zombies Calling and War at Ellsmere. Darwyn has "cameo" in this strip about her hunger at last year's Free Comic Book Day in Halifax.
Hey, Oscar Wilde!
Steven Gettis has a wonderful website where he shares his collection, ever-growing, of images by various artists interpreting their favourite literary character, figure, or author. Take some time to check it out here.
Why am I telling you about it? Well, Steven was kind of enough to send me this e-mail:
Heya Calum, just a heads up in case you are interested, Darwyn passed this onto me recently as his favourite literary figure (for my collection of the like).
Lovely in person!
Thanks, Steven!
All the best to you and yours from Halifax!
Just a quiet week here - getting ready for the massive Free Comic Book Day. Be sure to drag some friends out to your local comic store and get them some free comics! While you're there, have a gander through the Previews catalogue and place your order for Darwyn's book!